SBEM (Non-domestic developments)
SBEMs are SAP Energy Ratings for non-domestic buildings.
Information required for the “As Designed” SBEM calculation.
- Location & orientation from north (from main entrance point).
- Brief description on construction methods to be used
- Type of end use for the building
- Use of each room
- Confirmation of Building Control Body
- Fully dimensioned floor plans & plans & sections giving room sizes & storey heights with any intermediate floor thickness together with overall building height
- Design “U” values for: Ground floor, External walls, Roof, Doors & Windows
- Confirmation as to whether the building design allows for Accredited Construction Details, if not please provide details of thermal analysis
- Confirmation of the air permeability accommodated within the design
- Window & external door schedules
Mechanical electrical
Confirmation of the
- Heating supply source including type by SBEM classification (Does the heating /cooling plant equipment qualify for ECA, if so what year)
- Domestic hot water source & identification of any hot water tap positions
- Mechanical ventilation
- Lighting design
- Lighting controls