Ordinary incandescent light bulbs have been around for a hundred years. In fact they’re still around. They were never made illegal. They are cheap, costing around 70p, and a lot of budget shops still sell them. What are the problems
Solar Glazing
Windows have a U value. This is a measure of the amount of heat that they lose. A high U value means they lose more heat. A typical modern double glazed window might have a U value of 1.8. A
What is a Delayed Start Stat?
There was an Energy Forum in the Civic Centre at Gateshead. One woman asked if she could save fuel by leaving the central heating on all day. She couldn’t save fuel by doing this but I can imagine her thinking
SAP 2012 – Your Problems Solved
On April 6th 2014 a new version of the regulations relating to Energy Efficiency of Buildings came into force in England. These regulations are Part L1A (new dwellings) and Part L2A (new industrial buildings.) A new version of SAP was