A customer asked me if they should get the SAP calculation completed before they started building. The answer is yes. You should have a SAP calculation while you are still at the planning stage before you start building-I would advise
Smart Heating Systems
The central heating in my shared house is controlled by a white plastic box on the wall. This winter it broke down. I spent several hours downloading the 20 page manual from the internet and reading it. So far I
When Do House Extensions Need SAP Calculations?
One of the questions we are most frequently asked is ‘when do house extensions need SAP calculations?’ It is a source of great confusion to home owners and builders. Does any large extension need a SAP calculation? No. It depends
Waste Water Heat Recovery
When you take a bath the waste water goes down the plug hole. Obviously this waste water is quite warm. Waste water heat recovery means recapturing the heat from this water. A copper pipe is coiled around the pipe that
Passing SAP in Areas off the Gas Grid
Buildings that are off the gas grid still have to conform to the same environmental standards as buildings anywhere else. This is a problem because the standards required by Part L 2013 are very strict and the efficiency of fuels
SAP 2012 – Your Problems Solved
On April 6th 2014 a new version of the regulations relating to Energy Efficiency of Buildings came into force in England. These regulations are Part L1A (new dwellings) and Part L2A (new industrial buildings.) A new version of SAP was
Conversions – do they need a SAP test?
This was a house, now it is 2 flats. Why does it need a SAP test? When a house is converted into 2 flats, the use was residential before, but now the building contains 2 residential dwellings. This is a
Why Does My Extension Need a SAP Test?
An extension needs a SAP test if the glazing is more than a quarter of the floor area. This includes doors, windows and rooflights. If any glazing is removed from the house in order to create the extension this is